SU-27 FLANKER V1.2a READ ME FILE 21/03/97 (c) 1996 Strategic Simulations, Inc. A Mindscape Company. Product: 'Su-27 Flanker' V1.2a patch Revision: Final Release Files enclosed: FSIM.LBB 18-03-97 15:56 459,776 bytes This txt file This patch is designed to upgrade the V1.2 release of Su-27 Flanker to V1.2a for ***Windows 95 only***. ***PLEASE ENSURE YOU HAVE PREVIOULY INSTALLED THE V1.2 PATCH PRIOR TO APPLYING THIS NEW FLIGHT MODULE FILE.*** To install V1.2a: 1) Copy the enclosed FSIM.LBB file to your 'Su27 Flanker' directory. By default this would be 'C:\PROGRAM FILES\SU-27 FLANKER'. 2) Windows will ask you if you wish to overwrite the current 'FSIM.LBB' file, if you wish to keep your old V1.2 flight module please cancel this operation and copy this file to another directory. Improvements and Features 1) No graphical 'stutter' or 'wobbling' effects when used on Pentium PC's. 2) The 'beyond visual range' (BVR) artificial intelligence has been greatly improved and 'local' dogfighting AI is also improved. 3) The ability to play via Internet games servers such as Kali(c) and Kahn(c) has been improved. 4) The problem with false bomb trajectories using 'dumb' iron bombs has been tweaked and improved. 5) The previous incompatibility with TRK's recorded from V1.0 and V1.1 has been fixed. PLEASE NOTE: ANY TRK (vIDEO) FILES CREATED WITH THE V1.2 PATCH WILL NOT PLAYBACK CORRECTLY ON THIS UPDATE. THIS IS DUE TO A MINOR CHANGE IN THE WAY ANTI-RADIATION MISSILES ARE HANDLED BY THE FLIGHT MODULE. THIS DOES NOT CHANGE THE WAY ANTI-RAD MISSILES ARE MODELLED IN THE SIM. Relevant WWW sites: SSI - Mindscape US - Mindscape UK - Unofficial Su-27 Flanker site - Flanker challenge ladder - 62nd Fighting Falcons site- Flanker FAQ site - Radar Lock Homepage - Reapermans Su27 site - Kali Inc. - Kahn - Credits Senior Producer (Mindscape): Steve Whittle QA Manager and Assistant Producer: Neil Soane Asst. QA Manager: Adrian Wood-Jones Lead test: Richard Plumb Tester: Trevor Gamon Tester: Martin Newing Project Manager (Eagle Dynamics): Igor Tishin Also, thanks to all of the Su-27 external testing team (you know who you are!) without these guys help this patch would not be of the quality that it is, and especially to Marek "Headcase" Paul whose help as our external beta test co-ordinator has been invaluable. Onwards and upwards guys! Please enjoy this free update, I'm sure you'll enjoy using it as much as we've had creating it. The Su27 Flanker development team _________________ Now the legal bit _________________ Since this software is free, it is supplied WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. It is supplied as is only. SOFTWARE USE LIMITATIONS AND LIMITED LICENSE This software product is copyrighted and all rights are reserved by SSI/Mindscape International Ltd. and are protected by the copyright laws that pertain to computer software. You may not modify, adapt, translate, create derivative works, decompile, disassemble, or otherwise reverse engineer or attempt to reverse engineer or derive source code from, all or any portion of the software or anything incorporated therein or permit or encourage any third party to do so. This software patch may be freely distributed but must include the relevant readme and other files and may not have extra files added to it. 'Su27 Flanker' COPYRIGHT (C) 1996 Strategic Simulations Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ALL TRADEMARKS ARE PROPERTY OF SSI/MINDSCAPE INTERNATIONAL LTD. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Kali is a copyright of Kali Inc. Kahn is a copyright of Stargate Networks Inc. end of file